An Introduction To The Appraisal Connector™ – Free Seminar Napier

FREE Seminar – suitable for Principals & School Leaders and Leaders in Early Childhood Centres or Services Monday 14th November – Afternoon Seminar  Tea & Coffee Provided (you are welcome to bring your lunch/snack) You are invited to attend a free seminar to hear how appraisal can become the driver of Teaching as Inquiry.   APPRAISAL CONNECTOR Connecting Appraisal with… Read the rest

Using Appraisal Connector™ To Move From Inquiry To Sophisticated Professional Inquiry – Christchurch

One Day Workshop – for Existing Members of Appraisal Connector™ Wednesday 14th September – Full Day Workshop Only $25.00 +GST per person. Refreshments and lunch provided. Please bring your laptop or tablet.   APPRAISAL CONNECTOR Connecting Appraisal with Professional Learning, Reflection and Teacher Growth™ From Inquiry to Sophisticated Professional Inquiry: Accelerating the Shift to Self-Directed Teacher Learning Using Appraisal Connector™… Read the rest

Updating Ourselves With Appraisal Connector™ – Free Seminar Christchurch

Free Half Day Seminar – for Existing Members of Appraisal Connector™ Tuesday 6th September – Morning Seminar  Tea & Coffee Provided – (you are welcome to bring your lunch/snack).Please bring your laptop to tablet.Please note – this seminar is not suitable for training teachers new to your School.   APPRAISAL CONNECTOR Connecting Appraisal with Professional Learning, Reflection and Teacher Growth™… Read the rest

Using Appraisal Connector™ To Move From Inquiry To Sophisticated Professional Inquiry – Auckland Parnell

One Day Seminar – for Existing Members of Appraisal Connector™ Friday 2nd September – Full Day Seminar Only $25.00 +GST per person. Refreshments and lunch provided. Please bring your laptop or tablet.   APPRAISAL CONNECTOR Connecting Appraisal with Professional Learning, Reflection and Teacher Growth™ From Inquiry to Sophisticated Professional Inquiry: Accelerating the Shift to Self-Directed Teacher Learning Using Appraisal Connector™… Read the rest

Updating Ourselves With Appraisal Connector™ – Free Seminar Auckland Parnell

Free Half Day Seminar – for Existing Members of Appraisal Connector™ Thursday 1st September – Afternoon Seminar  Tea & Coffee Provided – (you are welcome to bring your lunch/snack).Please note – this seminar is not suitable for training teachers new to your School.   APPRAISAL CONNECTOR Connecting Appraisal with Professional Learning, Reflection and Teacher Growth™ When we designed and introduced… Read the rest

An Introduction To The Appraisal Connector™ – Free Seminar Auckland Parnell

FREE Seminar – suitable for Principals & School Leaders Thursday 1st September – Morning Seminar  Tea & Coffee Provided (you are welcome to bring your lunch/snack) You are invited to attend a free seminar to hear how appraisal can become the driver of Teaching as Inquiry.   APPRAISAL CONNECTOR Connecting Appraisal with Professional Learning, Reflection and Teacher Growth™ Appraisal Connector™… Read the rest

Growing Leadership Capability – Westport

We are in an era in which the demand for great leaders exceeds the supply. Are you in a leadership role you want to grow your knowledge, skills and confidence as a leader? Then this course is for you. Do you have teachers who have potential to grow their leadership talent and need an opportunity to equip themselves for taking… Read the rest

Learning the Art of Reflection – Timaru

This course will equip you to be a ‘Critically Reflective Teacher’ helping you and your team to build a culture of professionalism that develops excellence in teaching and learning.   Are you serious about building professional practice in yourself and your colleagues? Are all teachers engaged in ‘professional learning’ or just doing ‘professional development’ – and do they know the… Read the rest

Sustaining Outstanding Leaders Residential Programme – Hanmer Springs Thermal Resort

For leaders committed to sustaining great leadership practice. A soul-searching programme designed to keep you up to date with current thinking Join Karen and Liz in one of New Zealand’s most desirable tourist destinations – Hanmer Springs Thermal resort for three days of leadership professional learning in this stunning alpine adventure land. The theme of this three-day boutique learning experience… Read the rest