CHRISTCHURCH – Te Tiriti o Waitangi: Making Meaningful Connections

The treaty has the potential to be our nation’s most powerful unifying symbol – David Lange This workshop presentation will build knowledge of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and show how we as kaiako can make personal connections to the principles (through our philosophies, procedures and practices) that are authentic and meaningful.  By breathing meaning into the principles, tamariki will see… Read the rest

CHRISTCHURCH – Supporting Social and Emotional Competence – Half-Day Workshop

Supporting Social and Emotional Competence in Early Learning Is your team ready to turn their focus from managing tamariki challenging behaviours to developing systems and strategies for promoting wellbeing and positive behaviour across the whole centre? Using He Māpuna te Tamaiti come and explore with us the key green zone features in this new resource that will support you to:… Read the rest

CHRISTCHURCH – Supporting Social and Emotional Competence – Half-Day Workshop

Supporting Social and Emotional Competence in Early Learning Is your team ready to turn their focus from managing tamariki challenging behaviours to developing systems and strategies for promoting wellbeing and positive behaviour across the whole centre? Using He Māpuna te Tamaiti come and explore with us the key green zone features in this new resource that will support you to:… Read the rest

CANTERBURY REGION – Leadership Mentoring

Leadership Mentoring – Kaihautū This Professional Learning and Development Mentoring Programme will be tailored to each centre’s leadership needs. For centre’s in Christchurch, North, Mid and South Canterbury. A regular monthly 1.5 hour face to face mentoring session will provide support focused on: building leadership sustainability leading change in challenging times developing leadership through whanaungatanga implementing effective operational systems improving… Read the rest

CHRISTCHURCH – Evaluation For Improvement – Half-Day Workshop

Evaluation For Improvement  –  Ngā Aronga Whai Hua This workshop will support you and your centre to develop capability and collective capacity to use evaluation, inquiry and reflection to promote valued outcomes for children.    This practical half-day course will explore: organisational conditions that support a culture of ongoing innovation and improvement links between internal evaluation and other key operational… Read the rest

DUNEDIN – Tikanga 101 : Why, How, What

TIKANGA 101 : Why, How, What Together we will explore why a bicultural approach is relevant, how to create your own personalised tikanga and what bicultural authenticity means to your everyday teaching practice. We will be examining tikanga under the umbrella of both leadership and the principles of Te Whāriki. Key areas we will explore together include: Why do we… Read the rest

TIMARU – Tikanga 101 : Why, How, What

TIKANGA 101 : Why, How, What Together we will explore why a bicultural approach is relevant, how to create your own personalised tikanga and what bicultural authenticity means to your everyday teaching practice. We will be examining tikanga under the umbrella of both leadership and the principles of Te Whāriki. Key areas we will explore together include: Why do we… Read the rest