Programme Enrolment

  • August 19, 2024 - August 19, 2025
    12:00 am - 11:55 pm

Developing a Stronger Learning Focused Culture



Are you excited about how to improve your Learning Environment and create shared responsibility within your team?

This environmental auditing tool will help embed a cycle of improvement across your centre. We will also explore how this approach has helped teams to take ownership and be accountable for improvement.

When designing tools to support our improvement cycle it can be challenging to measure our success. This tool will demonstrate how this practical approach links with supporting documents such as Te Ara Poutama (Indicators of quality for Early Childhood) and the NELP document.

We will discuss how you might then co-construct an improvement tool for your context.

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi Engari I te toa takatini
My success is not mine alone; it was not individual success but the success of a collective.

“I look forward to the opportunity of providing ongoing professional support and external mentoring alongside you, where we can focus on building capability and commitment to high quality teaching and learning.” 
– Melody Stuckey, Programme facilitator 

Melody is happy to facilitate this programme in a way that works for you.  
To register your interest in this topic, please follow the registration process below and we will be in touch to discuss options. 


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Details Price Qty
Per Personshow details + $0.00 (NZD)  

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