Programme Enrolment

  • June 8, 2016 - July 29, 2016
    9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Suitable for Primary & Secondary School Teachers
Lunch, refreshments and manuals included

Influencing teaching and learning in colleagues’ classrooms requires a different skill set from those used in the classroom and these need to be complemented with a different way of thinking.


In this two day programme we will:

  • Consider what we mean by ‘intentional leadership’?
  • What knowledge, skills and competencies are required of leaders in the changing landscape of education?
  • Consider developing and modelling a mindset.
  • Explore conversation and how to develop capability in becoming an influencer to bring about change.
  • Leadership Pipeline: what might this look like and what is critical for you to consider as a result.

The content for Workshop Two will be customised to the interests of the group.

Day One: Wednesday, 8th June 2016
Day Two: Friday, 29th July 2016 

For more information contact:



Venue Phone: 03 547 4070 x 294

1 Point Road, Monaco, Nelson, New Zealand


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