Programme Enrolment

  • March 26, 2025 - May 14, 2025
    3:30 pm - 5:00 pm


Course Content

Session 1: Laying the Foundations of a Rich and Responsive Curriculum
  Examining what is in your pedagogical leadership kete  •  Dive into Te Whāriki and learn how to lead your team with a deeper understanding of our curriculum framework that promote quality teaching practices    Building strong, learning-focused partnerships with whānau

Session 2: Making Valued Learning Visible
  Gain insights on assessment, planning, and evaluation to make learning visible for educators, tamariki, and whānau    Exploring ways that educators are actively involved in the design and implementation of children’s learning and progress 

Session 3: Deepening Intentional Teaching
  Promoting environments that create a learning tone- being an intentional teacher 


How to access this amazing opportunity?

INVESTMENT:  $320.00 +GST 
There will be 3 x 1 ½ hour sessions facilitated online from 3.30pm – 5.00pm on the following dates:
• Wednesday 26th March 2025 • Wednesday 23 April 2025 • Wednesday 14 May 2025 •

Plus, two 1-on-1 coaching & mentoring sessions (to be arranged individually)

Please note: The PLD sessions will be recorded for future reference and reflection. 




For more information contact:



New Zealand


Details Price Qty
Per Personshow details + $368.00 (NZD)  

Online event registration and ticketing powered by Event Espresso

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