March 26, 2025 - May 14, 2025
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Course Content
Session 1: Laying the Foundations of a Rich and Responsive Curriculum
• Examining what is in your pedagogical leadership kete • Dive into Te Whāriki and learn how to lead your team with a deeper understanding of our curriculum framework that promote quality teaching practices • Building strong, learning-focused partnerships with whānau •
Session 2: Making Valued Learning Visible
• Gain insights on assessment, planning, and evaluation to make learning visible for educators, tamariki, and whānau • Exploring ways that educators are actively involved in the design and implementation of children’s learning and progress •
Session 3: Deepening Intentional Teaching
• Promoting environments that create a learning tone- being an intentional teacher •
How to access this amazing opportunity?
There will be 3 x 1 ½ hour sessions facilitated online from 3.30pm – 5.00pm on the following dates:
• Wednesday 26th March 2025 • Wednesday 23 April 2025 • Wednesday 14 May 2025 •
Plus, two 1-on-1 coaching & mentoring sessions (to be arranged individually)
Please note: The PLD sessions will be recorded for future reference and reflection.
For more information contact:
Ailsa Evans
021 172 5487 -
Melody Stuckey
021 024 81619