Programme Enrolment

  • October 21, 2015
    9:00 am - 1:00 pm

This is a special invitation to all those who were involved in the Ministry of Education Self Review SELO contract.

If you would like support to:

  • Evaluate the Action Plan of Changes that you  made while undertaking  the MOE Planned Review
  • Start your next Planned Self Review 
  • Critique recent Spontaneous Reviews you have undertaken
  • Increase knowledge and understanding for other teachers in your team who did not attend the original cluster meeting  by sending them to this session

In addition we can clarify any questions you still might have and ensure you are well prepared to start 2016 with highly effective Self Review.



Venue Phone: 03 477 5360

30 Duke Street, North Dunedin, Dunedin, Otago, 9016, New Zealand


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