August 23, 2017
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Is children’s learning visible within your early childhood setting? Do your learning environments consistently foster engaged play with children? How do your learning environments encourage children’s creativity, imagination, social competence, critical thought and exploration?
If you are looking for inspiration to unlock the door to engaging learning environments within your setting then this course will:
- Develop your content knowledge of our guiding curriculum documents and He Pou Tataki – how ERO reviews early childhood services.
- Broaden your understanding of the layers involved in implementing an effective learning environment for all akonga (learners).
- Explore the influences and impacts on engaging learning environments.Reflect on our values for children and the organisation of the physical environment.
- Consider our teaching strategies that promote potentiating learning environments for children.
- Equip you with creative and practical ideas to inspire, and motivate critical reflection and improvements to the engaging learning environments within your setting.
For more information contact:
Ailsa Evans
021 172 5487
Venue: The Village Square Trust
Venue Phone: 09 379 2095
Address:(Formerly Parnell Community Trust), 545 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland, 1052, New Zealand
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